Did you know that springtime is allergy season for your cat or dog? Just like humans, your pet can suffer from allergies during seasonal changes. These types of allergies are called Atopic “Environmental” Allergens. Your pet is experiencing an allergic reaction something it is inhaling such as pollen, mold spores, grass, and other environmental allergens.
Signs your pet could be suffering from Atopic “Environmental” Allergies:
- Constant scratching
- Continual licking of skin
- Chewing on their paws
- Rubbing ears frequently
If left untreated, allergies can lead to secondary problems for your pet. You will notice:
- Hot spots
- Continual ear infections
- Superficial bacterial, yeast or bacterial and yeast infections can develop.
These conditions can be treated, but if the underlying allergy is not treated they will most likely develop the secondary problems in a repeated cycle.
How to treat your pet’s allergies:
Most pets with atopic allergies are frequently allergic to items outside such as grass and pollen. You will notice their scratching occurs seasonally. If you see that your pet is scratching on continual basis it could mean they are allergic to something they are exposed to year round.
- If your pet has severe allergies, it is best for your veterinarian to perform an allergy test on your pet. This will help your veterinarian determine specifically the source of the your pet’s atopic allergy. Your veterinarian can take this information and produce a specialized concoction for your pet’s allergy. Your pet will then receive the allergy concoction over time either by injection or by mouth. The allergy concoction will help your pet build up immunity to the allergen. This then allows your pet to experience a lesser reaction to the allergen.
- If your pet has mild seasonal allergies, you and your veterinarian can treat your pet with bathing and allergy medications.
Things you can do at home to reduce the allergic reaction:
- Give your pet baths. This will help remove the allergens from their coat and sooth irritated skin. It is best to use a soap-free shampoo.
- Clean your pet’s feet and coat after being outside. This will help eliminate bringing in the allergen into your home and spreading it to your indoor environment.
- Vacuum and clean your floors with non-toxic cleaners to remove any allergens that may have come in on your feet or your pet’s.
- The use of an effective flea and tick preventative. This can help reduce the discomfort and itching your pet is experiencing due to these bothersome parasites.
If you suspect that your pet is experiencing allergies this spring season, schedule an appointment with Dr. Alex of Pet Xpert Animal Clinic at 407-886-PETS(7387). We offer allergy testing, medicated baths, and allergy medications. After an exam, Dr. Alex will be able to help determine the best course of treatment and relief for your pet.